How healthy is your social circle?

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Jiddu Krishnamurti

This quote came to me by way of Deepak Chopra yesterday and his presentation was about us waking up to our life sustaining connection to the earth, and taking loving action to change our unhealthy relationship to each other and to the earth. I believe it is worth sharing.

I believe May 4 - 10 is mental health month in Canada and so I think this quote is truly relevant this week and also particularly relevant because of what is going on in our world, locally and globally at this time (and has been for quite a while, but some of us are just realizing it). I’m talking about injustices, crimes against humans, lack of human compassion, lack of self awareness, people unaware of their ability to make positive change happen, people living in an oppressive culture and pointing fingers at others, and people pointing fingers at people pointing fingers is just the same unhealthy unproductive, disrespectful behaviour. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. Now let’s behave this way.

When we only surround ourselves with people who look like us and talk like us, and we only listen to those people - we are potentially subject to thinking we are okay and everyone around us is ok. The truth is that you could be living within a profoundly unhealthy social circle and not really be aware of it. I do believe that if we listen to ourselves, our own voice, not the voices that shame us or hurt us, but our true voice that supports us in being our most loving, caring, compassionate self, that is the voice that will wake you up. Listen to that voice. Begin to become aware of your social circle, your affiliations - do they align with your voice or not? Begin to be brave and start lovingly sharing and speaking your true voice. Stop the sickness that may be pervading your social circles. 

How do we start to listen to that voice? Stop being so busy. One daily practice I heartily recommend, now that I experience its many gifts, is meditation. I can provide one to one private in person or online sessions teaching you (and your social circle) the Chopra method of meditation, which is particularly good for people with busy busy brains. Send me a DM or book a session with me via my website (if you have ANY technical difficulties, I do want to know…DM me).

Namaste (I see the light within you, I see the Devine within you)





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