Daily Routine = Improved weight

Our daily routines are vital for us in an ever changing world; our routines can be our constant. Healthy daily routines ensure that we make time for self care. Self care is the foundation supporting us to navigate the demands of our life.  

In Ayurveda - the life science - we learn about the reality that we are linked and interchange daily with the nature around us - for example, the oxygen we breathe, the whole foods we eat,  the people we interact with - all from nature. When we realize that we are inextricably linked to nature we begin to understand that living healthy, fulfilled and happy lives means paying attention to what, when and how we eat, to what impact daylight and natural rhythms have on us, what impact being in nature has on us, paying attention to how our particular body mind likes to move and to process emotions. When we choose daily routines that respect our unique body mind and our unique interchange with the environment around us we begin to feel healthier. We are each unique (made up of the same stuff in unique portions) and all of us are living and growing up within this particular petri dish we call Earth and the Universe. Ayurvedic ancient wisdom practices backed by medical science are all about teaching us how to align our true nature with nature for optimum health and wellness. 

Daily routines that are aligned with nature will support balanced health. There are natural occurrences that impact us like the sunrise and the sunset. When we wake with the sunrise and stop eating as the sun sets we begin to feel better. Each person’s biochemistry aligns with the sunrise and the sunset. Each cell in our body has the ability to respond to the sun. As an example, it does this by turning on genes that code for the production of certain hormones during daylight, and other hormones at night. We are not really aware of all of these chemical processes happening in our body but if we turn our attention to our body mind we will start to notice patterns. When we respect these patterns and align with them we will begin to feel healthier and have more energy to make healthier emotional choices as well.  

One particular example is if we ignore our body’s need for food at the time of day when we most need it (noonish) we end up starving our body at a time when our hormones are set up (thanks to the sun rise) to convert what we eat into useable energy (when we deprive our body of direct energy, we feel tired). Then, if we eat our big meal at night when our hormones are set up to convert what we eat into storage we end up increasing our fat storage. You can truly eat the same calories but at different times of day and lose or gain weight, depending on whether you are aligned with natural rhythms. This is our basic biology. Our biology hasn’t yet evolved to realize that grocery stores provide us with food at all times and that electrical lights allow us to stay up all night and even work shift work. Our biology is nature, it is tied to the rhythms of nature. The book “Change your Schedule Change your Life” by Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar is all about this super stuff. I was taught by Dr. Suhas and certified to teach what he taught me, so if you want to skip reading the book and learn from me, in person, how to optimize your health with your daily routine please send me a message. 



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