Speaking Your Truth

Some of us struggle with speaking out of anger or defensiveness. When we do this it has an energetic footprint that spreads anger and defensiveness. Think about when someone was mad at you…you probably were mad or defensive in return - it is a natural reflex but it is not a high level response. At this level you are operating from your ego that is constantly evaluating the environment for threats to your survival. It’s an “overkill” kind of response because our survival is not actually being threatened….even though biologically we have been triggered to feel this way. 

Some of us are just scared to say the wrong thing or to be judged - this is the ego’s fear response…it’s coming from the same place and it isn’t really YOU, it’s a flight or freeze response that keeps you stuck.

So how do we do it differently?

When you speak your truth it won’t diminish anyone else’s truth. If it does then it isn’t really your truth (it’s likely an ego reaction). Our truth comes from our true self. This is a place of inner infinite wisdom, equanimity, love, compassion, peace and joy. So when you speak from this place you cannot harm another person. Here’s a quick exercise to help…

Sit quietly. Begin to inhale for four counts and exhale for six. Do this for at least five cycles of breath. 

Ask silently to yourself: What is my truth? And wait a couple of breath cycles. Let whatever thoughts come into your awareness and just let them be, without judgement. We have may have many things come to mind, or nothing - it is all ok.

Ask: What is it that I want to say? Wait for a few breaths and let whatever come up. Pay attention  to the message(s) that energize(s) and motivate(s) you. Take a mental or actual note

Ask yourself: how do I want to convey this message? This is about your delivery. Let the thoughts arise. Notice the different ways that you could relay the message. Now think about the one way that feels the most comfortable and would bring you joy and peace if you relayed it in this way. Make a mental or actual note.

With your eyes still closed, breathing deeply, ask yourself: to whom do I want to relay my truth? Allow whatever to arise, make no judgements. Simply listen and become aware.

Ask yourself: What are the methods I can use to share this message? Just sit with this and wait a few breaths. Let the thoughts arrive in your mind. There will be one method that makes you feel comfortable, confident, and enthusiastic. Take a mental or actual note. 

Now, as you sit quietly, give yourself a moment to just be, breathe in for four and out for six for a few cycles of breath. Now silently say a few times “I am open to knowing when to speak my truth”. 

This will allow you to be open for a feeling or a situation that is related to your truth that you will recognize and it will give you the opportunity to follow through on speaking your truth. Be gentle and supportive of yourself. Let yourself be guided by your true nature: one of wisdom, compassion, love, equanimity and joy. In this way, you are certain that you are speaking your truth.  All my love, xoxoxoChristinexoxoxo


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