Dosha => your unique bodymind.

Dosha is a Sanskrit word used to describe your unique body mind. This concept is a fundamental aspect of the Ayurvedic teachings. The idea that we are each unique created out of common elements was known around five thousand years ago. There were no microscopes but there were observations and studies done by the Ayurvedic philosophers. Modern science is catching up to agreeing with the concept of dosha in providing you with your genetic analysis (unique DNA) and epigenetics studies (uniquely inherited behaviours) and I believe that science will continue to catch up as studies continue and new tools are developed.

According to Ayurveda the dosha is your nature. It includes everything material and immaterial about you. The philosophers described how each dosha responds to food, sleep, movement, thoughts and movement, and to nature through our senses. Each dosha is unique and each response is unique but not unpredictable. The philosophers recorded these predictable responses and ways in which your dosha can be put out of balance and then returned back to your unique balance (homeostasis). Think of a friend or coworker, do they respond to certain foods the same way your body does? Are they the same body type as you? Do they have the same thoughts that you have? Do they react the same way as you do to stress?

Every person is unique - simply stated this means that even though we are made up of the same stuff; the levels of “stuff” differs and thus creates our unique dosha. 

Ayurveda teaches us that when we continue to be out of balance from our nature, that is when our biology starts to shift, a shift that lasts for a long time can then lead to a breakdown of our biology. An important thing to remember is that we can always get back to our original homeostatic balance because that is our tendency, even if we have started to breakdown biologically. Ayurveda teaches tools, practices, and techniques to assess and return yourself to your natural balance. It’s very intuitive and starts by listening to your body mind. The quickest way to start listening is to find a way to be quiet and pay attention. The practice of meditation is one of many ways to grow your intuition and awareness about your body mind. 

The great news is that you have the capacity to enhance your health and it is natural…and when you learn about Whole health you access this intuitive Ayurvedic knowledge as well as modern medical knowledge and can start enhancing your body mind health immediately, one step at a time. Interested in learning more? Reach out to me via DM or email: through my website: or click Book Now in my IG profile. xoxoxChristinexoxox


Spirituality and (business) Leadership


Ayurveda, Medicine - Whole Health