Feel it to heal it?

Feel it to Heal it? This isa part of your path to emotional awareness and freedom .

There is sooo much to share on this but just not enough space so I will say this…you are a human experiencing life using your body mind as your interface to gather all that you know and understand to be true. Each body is unique. Your body is basically a huge sensory system AND thankfully, it comes with warnings and alarms that are set off when things aren’t going well. Your body feels things. When you have been in very unhealthy, physically and/or emotionally dangerous situations your body experiences feelings. Your body’s response can look like a fight (reactivity), fleeing the situation (running away), or freezing in place (you are still and stuck). When your body encounters unhealthy interactions it needs to process what has put it out of balance in order to return to a balanced peaceful open to receiving more sensory information type body (think original and unique to you default settings). 

One of the parts of this kind of healthy processing is increasing your emotional awareness. The first step is knowing that emotions are your body’s own warning system. The next step is to know what the feeling is and what it is telling you to do (i.e. step away from the fire that is burning you or be kind to yourself right now). Another step is to let the feeling wash over you, let it leave your body. This frees your body up to be a healthy functioning sensory receiving human again. It sounds simple because I am trying to make it clear and simple, but it can be extremely difficult to do on your own in the beginning. I recommend meeting someone, like me, who is trained in creating a safe environment and guiding people through difficult to process emotions and situations. Look for coaches and therapists who have also done their own awareness work. Feel free to ask them. Properly certified coaches, like me, are required to have been coached throughout their training. 

All the best,

Christine ❤️


Agenda vs. Intention